In California, Workers’ compensation benefits provide employees with the medical treatment you need to recover from your work related injury or illness. They also provide TTD which is compensation to partially replace the wages you lose while you are recovering, and can include other help you return to work such as training.
If you are hurt at work, whether in a specific incident (like falling) or gradually (like carpel tunnel syndrome in the wrists), report the injury to your supervisor as soon as possible. Delay can make it harder to get benefits and your treatment should be paid by the workers compensation insurance, not your personal health insurance.
A lawyer can help you select the best doctor for you. It probably won’t be your primary doctor, but you should avoid the doctor the insurance adjuster selects as they tend to be biased toward the insurance company and not give you the treatment you need to get better or acknowledge the injury and the accommodations you may need to return to work and benefits available to you.
It’s illegal for your employer to terminate you for having a job injury or for requesting workers’ compensation benefits when your injury was caused by your job
You might receive benefits even if you are a temporary or part-time worker
It’s not requires to be a legal resident of the United States to receive most workers’ compensation benefits though there are some limitations an attorney can explain
In closing, get the care you need to recover your health!